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What People are saying about 

Robin F. Hammerman

I have gone to see Robin for years now, I have literally followed her around while she has moved. I don't trust anyone else with my little hair follicles. Robin is the best.


I was so nervous when I first started, but Robin, put me at ease.She talked and I listened and then I talked and before I knew it I was hoping our time wasn't over and I was looking forward to our next session together...that is a good electrologist to me...everything else is an added BONUS! 

- Beth

Before I started my electrolysis journey, I struggled with coarse hairs, ingrown bumps, and red marks all across my chin.


Thanks to Robin’s expert treatment, I now have significantly less hair and clearer skin. Electrolysis has given me the confidence and peace of mind that I didn’t have before, and it has truly been a worthwhile investment.


Robin is professional, personable, and compassionate, and she has made me feel at ease from day one.


I highly recommend electrolysis with Robin for anyone looking for a permanent solution to their unwanted hair growth. 



- Nicole

You'll never find a more capable electrologist than Robin!
From the minute she walked through my door, I knew that if she knew her stuff she would be my right arm! Robin worked for me in my NYC office for many years. Being a sole practitioner, and needing help, she was literally my saving grace. Clients loved her!
And I still love her❤️


Her work is meticulous, her personality is infectious, and she was the best practitioner to ever grace my office. I was so sad when she left to relocate to MD. If you are looking for an electrologist who is qualified, thorough, and honest look no further.

Robin is the best...I wish she still worked with me. 

- Mala Feit,r.n., CPE 

"Sometimes, in life,  if you're  truly lucky, you cross paths with a person who actually changes your life. For me, that person was Robin, who's genuine interest and outstanding professional skills opened a door to me that finally allowed me to live my life with confidence and pride in my daily appearance. Every time I look, in the mirror, I see Robin.

- Anonymous

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